Banyan Tree

GIM Hotspot > Flora > Banyan Tree

Scientific name:

Ficus Benghalensis                               

Common name:


Hangout Spot

Director Office – Parking Area


The Banyan tree is revered as ‘India’s National Tree’ and stands out for its remarkable size. This indigenous tree symbolizes longevity and endurance because of their long lifespan which can span more than 200 years. In Hindu mythology, it is considered sacred and is often associated with Lord Vishnu. It is a core part of the ‘Vat Purnima’ festival celebrated by married women in India. In many regions, the banyan tree is deeply intertwined with local history as it has been used as a landmark and meeting place for generations.

The most unique feature of the banyan tree is its aerial roots. These roots grow from the branches and extend downwards, eventually reaching the ground and forming new trunks, making the tree appear like it’s supported by multiple pillars. Its sprawling canopies and distinctive growth patterns establish microhabitats that foster a diverse array of flora and fauna. This majestic tree finds multiple applications, with its bark, roots, aerial roots, and leaves being utilized in Ayurvedic treatments.