Malabar Gliding Frog

GIM Hotspot > Fauna > Amphibians > Malabar Gliding Frog

Scientific name:

Rhacophorus malabaricus

Common name:

Malabar Gliding Frog

Hangout Spot:

Near Pond area – In Front of H7 parking area

This rare amphibian is a native species inhabiting the rainforests of the Western Ghats. It possesses the ability to expand the webbing between its toes, enabling a controlled descent when leaping from trees, earning it the name ‘gliding’ frog. Typically located on tree leaves near streams or riverbanks, it migrates to overhanging trees above water bodies for breeding, where its tadpoles are released.

The finely granulated green skin on its back, devoid of markings, sets it apart from similar species. Distinguishing between male and female Malabar gliding frogs can be challenging due to subtle physical differences, with males often displaying more vibrant colors, especially during the breeding season, when their calls become prominent in attracting females.